067 9 572-572
Every day:
  • from 10:00 to 22:00
Филадельфия с лососем в кунжуте
Philadelphia with salmon in sesame
nori, rice, salmon, Philadelphia cheese, cucumber, lola rossa, sesame
Ролл сырный
Roll cheese
nori, rice, Philadelphia cheese, Hochland cheese, tomago yaki, unagi sauce, sesame
Драконы сет
Dragons set
Ingredients: Dragon Roll, Red Dragon Roll, Green Dragon Roll, Chef Tokusen Roll.
Красный дракон
Red Dragon
Nori, rice, salmon, fried eel, cucumber, tobiko (flying fish roe)
Ролл шеф-токусен
Roll chef-tokusen
nori, tamago yaki (Japanese omelette), feta cheese, fresh cucumbers, fried eel, tobiko (flying fish roe), lola rosso salad, unagi sauce, sesame
Зеленый дракон
Green Dragon
Avocado, rice, fried eel, flying fish roe (tobiko), crab sticks, cucumber, Japanese mayonnaise.
Ролл дракон
Roll dragon
Fried eel, rice, cucumber, Philadelphia cheese, tiger shrimp, sesame seeds, kimchi sauce (spicy)
Филадельфия с авокадо
Philadelphia with avocado
Salmon, Philadelphia cheese, avocado, rice.
Филадельфия с огурцом
Philadelphia with cucumber
salmon, Philadelphia cheese, fresh cucumbers, rice
Nori, rice, salmon, Philadelphia cheese, fried eel, orange, unagi sauce, tobiko caviar / orange flying fish caviar /. The roll is heat treated with an open fire.
Tuna, salmon, Philadelphia cheese, Bulgarian pepper, rice, hiyashi and wakame seaweed.
Nori, rice, cucumbers, salmon, cheese, Philadelphia, lemon juice, spice sauce
Fried salmon, tamago yaki (Japanese omelet), tobiko (flying fish roe), cucumber, rice, Japanese mayonnaise, green onion.
Кунсей Рору
Kunsei Roru
Nori, rice, Philadelphia cheese, cucumber, smoked salmon, spice sauce, sesame
Nori, rice, smoked salmon, Philadelphia cheese, cucumber, avocado, sesame
Сяка кунсей маки
Shaka kunsei maki
Smoked salmon, Philadelphia cheese, rice, avocado, tuna flakes (katsuo bushi)
Тори кунсей маки
Tori kunsey maki
Smoked chicken, tamago yaki (Japanese omelet), Lola Rosso salad, bacon, rice, Japanese mayonnaise.
Хотто наши
Hotto nashi
Nori, rice, Philadelphia cheese, salmon, pear, tobiko caviar / orange and green flying fish caviar /, unagi sauce. The roll is heat treated with an open fire.
Филадельфия с огурцом XXL
Philadelphia XXL w / ogirk
Salmon, Philadelphia cheese, fresh cucumbers, rice
Филадельфия XXL с авокадо
Philadelphia XXL with avocado
Salmon, Philadelphia cheese, avocado, rice.
Багряный тунец
Багряный тунец
canned pineapples, fresh cucumbers, nori seaweed, sushi rice, flying fish roe, tuna, cream cheese
Калифорния с лососем
California with salmon
Salmon, rice, avocado, cucumber, flying fish roe (tobiko), Japanese mayonnaise.
Калифорния с сурими
California with surimi
Crab sticks, rice, avocado, cucumber, flying fish roe (tobiko), Japanese mayonnaise.
Калифорния с тунцом
California with tuna
Tuna, rice, avocado, cucumber, flying fish roe (tobiko), Japanese mayonnaise.
Калифорния с угрем
California with eel
Fried eel, rice, avocado, cucumber, flying fish roe (tobiko), sesame seeds, unagi sauce.
Авокадо маки
Кунсей маки
Kunsei Maki
nori, rice, smoked salmon
Магуро/тека маки (тунец)
Сяка маки (с лососем)
Syaka maki (with salmon)
rice, nori, salmon
Унаги маки (с угрем)
Филадельфия сет
Philadelphia set
Ingredients: Philadelphia with avocado, Sendai roll, roll Alaska, Dragon Roll
Экспресс сет
Express set
Ingredients: Philadelphia with avocado, Chef Tokusen roll, California with eel, Dragon roll, Bonito roll.
Маки сет
Maki set
Ingredients: Unagi maki (1pc), Teka maki (2pc), Kunsei maki (2pc), Syaka maki (2pc), Capa maki (2pc), Avocado maki (1pc).
Унаги сет
Unagi set
Ingredients: roll Dragon, roll Chef-tokusen, California with eel, Unagi maki (eel) 2pcs.
Калифорния сет
California set
Ingredients: California with salmon, surimi, tuna, eel.
Сяка сет
Syaka set
Consist: Philadelphia with avocado, Sendai roll, California with salmon, Spice roll with salmon, Syaka-maki with salmon (2pcs)
Спайс Эби
Spice Ebi
nori, rice, peeled shrimps, cucumber, spice sauce, cream cheese
Спайс Сурими
Spice Surimі
nori, rice, crab sticks, fresh cucumbers, spice sauce
Спайс Сяка
Spice Syaka
nori, rice, fried salmon, cucumber, spice sauce
Спайс рол с лососем
Spice roll with salmon
Salmon, Lola Rosso salad, nori, rice, cucumber, spice sauce.
Спайс рол с окунем
Spice roll with perch
Рerch, Lola Rosso salad, nori, rice, cucumber, spice sauce.
Спайс рол с тунцом
Spice roll with tuna
Tuna, Lola Rosso salad, nori, rice, cucumber, spice sauce.
Спайс сет
Spice set
Ingredients: Ebi spice, Surimi spice, Syaka spice, Salmon spice, Perch spice, Tuna spice.
Express Pizza

Energy value
  • Proteins
  • fat
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Колбаски пепперони, моцарелла, пармезан, базилик, томатный соус
3 000 H
3 000H
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Напиток запоминается пикантным, слегка кисловатым вкусом и приятным вишневым ароматом.
2 000 H
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1 000 H
1 000H
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