067 9 572-572
Every day:
  • from 10:00 to 22:00
Салат с тунцом
Tuna salad
Lollo Rosso salad, cherry tomatoes, boiled chicken egg, fresh cucumber, blue onion, canned tuna, Dijon mustard, lemon juice, sunflower oil
Салат c авокадо
Avocado salad
Lollo rosso salad, tomatoes, arugula, cucumber, Philadelphia cheese, orange, avocado, Dijon mustard, sunflower oil
Салат с куриной печенью
Chicken liver salad
Lollo rosso salad, caramelized chicken liver, caramelized apple, salad dressing
tomatoes, sweet peppers, cucumbers, lettuce, feta cheese, olives, sunflower oil
Chinese cabbage, Lolo Rosso salad, croutons, fried chicken breast, bacon, Caesar sauce, Parmesan cheese, quail eggs, cherry tomatoes
"Хрустящая капусточка"
"Crispy cabbage"
cabbage, cucumbers, carrots, herbs, lemon juice, olive oil
pickled cucumbers, ham, boiled potatoes, onions, eggs, pickled mushrooms, peas, mayonnaise, greens
crab sticks, egg, corn, cucumber, mayonnaise, herbs
"В охотку"
"V ohotku"
hunting sausages, pickled cucumbers, boiled potatoes, olives, sweet onions, piquant sauce, spices
Сивид сарада
Sivid sarada
Pickled wakame seaweed, lollo rossa salad, petiole celery, hamadari sauce (nut)
Express Pizza

Energy value
  • Proteins
  • fat
  • Carbohydrates
  • Caloric content
Колбаски пепперони, моцарелла, пармезан, базилик, томатный соус
3 000 H
3 000H
Безалкогольный глитвейн
Безалкогольный глитвейн
Напиток запоминается пикантным, слегка кисловатым вкусом и приятным вишневым ароматом.
2 000 H
2 000H
Клубничное мороженое 250 мл.
Клубничное мороженое 250 мл.
Ароматное, сладкое, с насыщенным вкусом душистых ягод сочной клубники.
1 000 H
1 000H
Пончик с глазурью
Пончик с глазурью
Сладкий, ароматный и пухленький пончик с яркой глазурью необычайно вкусен.
1 000 H
1 000H
Sale %
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I, the client, hereinafter referred to as the 'Personal Data Subject', give my consent ФОП Пацар Т. (Then - 'Express Pizza', legal address: 21000, Винницкая область, г. Винница, ул. Соборная, 10) To process your personal data specified on the Express Pizza website express-pizza.vn.ua and its subdomains *.express-pizza.vn.ua (Hereinafter - the Site), sent (filled in) using the Site.

By personal data I mean any information relating to me as a Personal Data Subject, including my last name, first name, patronymic, address, contact details (telephone, e-mail, postal address), photos , other other information. By personal data processing I mean the collection, systematization, accumulation, clarification, update, change, use, distribution, transfer, including cross-border, depersonalization, blocking, destruction, indefinite storage), and any other actions (operations) with personal data.

Processing of personal data of the subject of personal data is carried out exclusively for the purpose of registration of the subject of personal data in the database 'Express-pizza' with the subsequent direction to the Subject of personal data of mail messages and SMS messages, in including advertising content, from Express Pizza, its affiliates and / or subcontractors, news and newsletters and other information of advertising and news content.

Processing of personal data of a personal data subject may be carried out by means of automation and / or without the use of automation means in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine and internal regulations of 'Express Pizza'.

'Express Pizza' takes the necessary legal, organizational and technical measures or ensures their adoption to protect personal data from unauthorized or accidental access to them, destruction, distortion, blocking, copying, providing, disseminating personal data , as well as from other wrongful acts in relation to personal data, and undertakes to maintain the confidentiality of personal data of the personal data subject. Express Pizza has the right to involve subcontractors for the processing of personal data of the Personal Data Subject, and also has the right to transfer personal data for processing to its affiliates, ensuring that such subcontractors and affiliates accept the relevant obligations regarding the confidentiality of personal data. .

I am familiar with that:

• the consent to the processing of my personal data specified on the Express Pizza Site, which are sent (filled in) using the site, is valid until the day of its withdrawal by the Personal Data Subject in writing;
• consent can be revoked by me on the basis of a written statement in any form;
• providing personal data of third parties without their consent entails liability in accordance with current legislation of Ukraine.